School Policies


All students are required by law to attend all classes on time, every day. Parents/ guardians who have activated a Portal (MyWeber) account may request that they be notified each day if any absence or tardy is reported in any class. If parents sign up for these notifications, they will receive an email each day if their student was marked absent or tardy in any of their classes that day.  For safety purposes, parents/ guardians excusing students before the end of the school day must come into the Attendance Office to personally pick up their student and sign out. Students may be released only to parents and those listed as emergency contacts - and then must be checked-out in person by that individual. 

  1. Absence: A student will be marked absent in each class when not in attendance

    1. Unavoidable absences must be excused by parents within three school days of the absence. Please call the Attendance Secretary at 452-4648. Written notes will not be accepted.  Messages may be left to excuse absences if no answer or calling outside school hours.

    2. Students arriving over 15 minutes late to class will be marked absent.  This absence may be subject to excuse by parent/guardian.

    3. Students arriving more than 15 minutes late to school or leaving school early must check in/out in the attendance office.

    4. It is the student’s responsibility to contact teachers for make-up work for excused absences. Make-up work policies vary among teachers.

    5. Make-up work may not be accepted in the case of truancy.  This is at teacher discretion.  Most teachers will give a 0 for the day if the student is truant.

    6. When students are excused from school for reasons other than illness or family emergency, arrangements should be made in advance with the Attendance Secretary. (801-452-4648)

  2. Tardy: A tardy is a late arrival to class. Students who arrive at school anytime after 8:10 a.m. must check-in at the Attendance Office before going to class. Excessive tardies in any class during any quarter may affect the student’s citizenship grade:

    1. Three tardies possible ‘N’

    2. Five tardies possible ‘U’

  3. Truant: A student will be considered truant if he/she:

    1. is absent but not excused from class;

    2. comes to school but does not attend class;

    3. leaves school without checking out in the Attendance Office;

    4. obtains permission to leave class to go to a certain point, but does not report there in a timely manner;

    5. is in the hall or other areas of the building/campus during class time without a hall pass;

    6. does not check-in with the Attendance Secretary when arriving to school anytime after 7:50 a.m.

    7. leaves class without teacher permission

  4. School Excused Absences: Students may be school-excused from classes by the proper authority when participating in school sponsored activities. Some absences require teacher approval. Teachers may decline approval for elective field trips if the student is not in good standing in the class or if missing the class will place the student in jeopardy.

  5. Field Trips: School transportation will be required and supervision will be provided for off-campus field trips. A parent permission form must be signed and submitted before students may be excused to attend. Students must be in good standing in all classes to be eligible to attend these activities.

  6. School-Sponsored Activities: Students who are eligible to participate in school sponsored extra-curricular activities (athletic events, etc.) must be in attendance (attend their classes the day of the scheduled activity/event unless there are extenuating circumstances such as doctor/dental appointments, funerals, etc.) in order to fully participate.  Exceptions may be made by coaches/advisors and/or the administration. 

  7. Closed Campus: Wahlquist has a closed campus from 7:35 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.  Students are required to remain on campus the entire day, including lunch time, unless properly checked out through the Attendance Office.  Students who fail to obtain a pass to leave school during the school day will be marked truant.  

  8. Sick Room: The sick room is available to students who are ill or injured. Students must check-in with the Attendance Secretary before going to the sickroom.   

  9. Injury Reports: A report must be filed for every student accident/injury that occurs on campus or at school sponsored activities. All accidents or injuries must be reported to the main office. 

  10. Regular attendance is regulated by State law.  Students who accumulate excessive absences or tardies may be suspended, and/or referred to the District and/or school resource officer. Truancies and tardies may also affect students’ citizenship grades and eligibility for participation in extra-curricular activities.

  11. Hall Passes: Students may not be in the halls during class time without a hall pass which is issued by a staff member. Each student leaving class must carry his/her own hall pass. 


A copy of academic and citizenship grades will be e-mailed to student’s homes on mid-term progress reports and report cards at the middle and end of each quarter. If you do not receive this information, please contact the office. Parents/guardians who have email addresses on file at the school may be notified each Thursday if their student(s) are earning a D, F or I in any class.

Academic Grades:

Letter grades will be awarded each quarter to students based upon criteria established in each classroom. Students and parents may monitor progress grades by accessing the ‘Portal’ (MyWeber) online. 

Academic Credit:

Students will earn one-quarter credit each quarter for each academic class which has been successfully completed. Academic make-up credit is available in several areas for students who fail classes. Contact school counselors for further information regarding cost, availability, etc.

Citizenship Grades: 

A quarterly citizenship grade will be assigned to each student in every class based on daily conduct and behavior. Citizenship grades are separate from academic grades. The following rubric is used to determine citizenship grades:

  • An ‘H’ (High) citizenship grade may be assigned to those students who exhibit positive behavior on a daily basis. These students go the extra mile to help establish a cooperative classroom climate that goes beyond their own individual needs. They can always be depended upon to demonstrate a cooperative attitude, exemplary behavior and provide leadership in following classroom expectations and school rules and policies.

  • An ‘S’ (Satisfactory) citizenship grade may be assigned to those students who routinely exhibit positive behavior and cooperate fully with all students and teachers. The majority of students generally receive a satisfactory citizenship grade. These students are aware of, and in compliance with classroom expectations and school rules and policies.

  • An ‘N’ (Needs Improvement) citizenship grade may be assigned to those students who exhibit inappropriate conduct/behavior in the classroom in one or more areas, i.e.:

    • Disruptive/disrespectful behavior 

    • Inappropriate/unacceptable language 

    • Unproductive/off-task in classroom 

    • Unprepared with materials/homework 

    • Three tardies in any one class 

    • Truancy

  • A ‘U’ (Unsatisfactory) citizenship grade may be assigned to those students who exhibit on-going patterns of inappropriate behavior (refer to examples above). An unsatisfactory grade may also be given to students who exhibit extreme behavior on occasion which may be disruptive, hurtful, disrespectful, dangerous and/or threatening in nature. Five tardies in a class may also result in a “U” citizenship grade.

Academic Credit Recovery:

Wahlquist Junior High will provide several online courses to be used to make-up credit for failed classes. Seats in the online courses are limited and students must meet with their counselor for possible placement in an EDGENUITY online make-up course. Students will have 4 weeks from the time they start the EDGENUITY online course to complete it. The EDGENUITY online course fee will be $35.00 per quarter credit. All EDGENUITY online courses will require that students take and pass a unit test to receive credit. If a student is not working regularly in an EDGENUITY online course, he/she will be dropped from the course and the registration fee will be forfeited.

Additional credit recovery may be available in selected courses for students who fail by 10% or less. Credits earned through this avenue must be recovered within 30 days of a posted failed grade. See counselors for further information including costs. 

Make-up credits cannot be used for original credit.

Student Recognition

SOAR Tickets: Staff members may award Soar Tickets to students for behavior of merit. These awards will be the basis for eligibility for incentives and reward activities throughout the year.

Eagle of the Month: Teachers nominate students for this award each month based on citizenship/behavior.

Honor Roll: At the end of each quarter, an honor roll will be published based on GPA: High Honors:  3.7 – 4.0; Honors:  3.5 – 3.69. Each quarter students who achieve honor roll status will be eligible to participate in a special activity/reward organized by the Wahlquist Junior High School PTSA.

Year End Awards: Honors and awards will be presented to students at the end of the school year. These awards include recognition for honors earned through academic excellence, extra-curricular participation, athletic achievement, outstanding attendance, exemplary behavior/citizenship, etc.

Activities & Organizations

National Junior Honor Society: Students who have gained and maintained a cumulative GPA of 3.7 or above and exhibit outstanding school leadership and citizenship may apply for the NJHS. Several activities and service projects are sponsored by this organization throughout the year.  

M.E.S.A.: This program is designed to assist students with an interest in careers in math, science, and engineering.    

Extra-Curricular Eligibility Requirements: Students participating in groups such as NAL, student government, athletics, cheerleaders, etc. are required to meet and maintain eligibility requirements as specified by each group. Academic and citizenship eligibility is determined by the printed report card(s) and shall be official  at posting.  Grades are “posted” when the school registrar enters all grades electronically and are available to students and parents.  Grade changes after posting cannot restore lost eligibility, except for a documented clerical error.  Any “I” grade will be considered as an “F” for the purpose of calculating the GPA/Eligibility.  The “I” will be factored into the GPA as an “F” until made up.  The “I’ must be made up within 10 school days in order to restore lost eligibility.    

  • Eligibility must be established before a name may be placed on a ballot, or before try-outs occur.

  • A serious violation of school rules or behavior that brings discredit to the organization or the school may render a student ineligible to run or tryout. During the tenure of office a serious violation of school rules or behavior will result in the student being placed on probation or dropped from the organization.

  • Students must sign and adhere to the District Code of Conduct in order to participate.

  • A student who is on suspension from school may not participate, practice, travel with or play during the time of suspension.

  • It is the responsibility of the advisor of the organization/activity to determine eligibility and enforce established rules and procedures.

Students not meeting eligibility requirements because of an extra-ordinary reason may be eligible to appeal their case to the School Standards Committee for a possible variance. An application, which is available in the office, must be submitted to the Assistant Principal at least three days before tryouts, or before ballots are prepared, etc., according to the timeline of the activity involved.  Students may only appeal to the standards committee if the reason(s) for not meeting eligibility standards is due to circumstances beyond the student’s control and the student would have also have met all eligibility requirements during any other quarter during that academic year.

Student Government/Cheerleaders:

Students who desire to be a candidate for one of these groups must maintain a specific grade point and citizenship average for the three terms prior to possible selection. The GPA and citizenship requirement for these groups will be as follows:

  • Student leaders and cheerleaders must have a 3.0 GPA or better for the first three terms of the current year prior to their selection. During the year they serve, they must maintain at least a 3.0 GPA each term and receive no F grades. Printed report cards will be the basis for determining eligibility and any I’s must the resolved prior to consideration.

  • The citizenship eligibility requirement is the same for student government and cheerleading.  Students may not have more than one N per quarter and no U’s during the three quarters prior to selection. These requirements must also be maintained throughout the entire term of office or as a cheerleader, including the fourth quarter of the year of election/ selection.

  • All candidates must sign and comply with the Weber School District Code of Conduct

  • Should a student fail to maintain the above standards while in office, he/she would be placed on probation for a length of time to be determined by the administration or advisor. If the standards are not achieved during the probationary term, the student will be dropped from the organization.

  • It is a privilege to participate as a representative of our school, and good overall citizenship must always be demonstrated. A serious violation of school rules, behavior, or code of conduct which may bring discredit to the organization or the school will result in the student being placed on probation or dropped from the organization.

  • It is the responsibility of the advisor to determine eligibility and carry out consequences of violations.  

Tryouts and elections for cheerleaders, student body and class officers will be held during the second semester. The Cheerleader and School Constitutions govern these organizations. Copies of these Constitutions may be obtained from the office.


  • Citizenship: A student interested in junior high athletics would be eligible to tryout/participate as long as he/she has no more than one U, or one N and one U, or two N’s for the previous and current quarter as determined by the last official report card. Other combinations beyond this will result in an ineligible status for tryouts or team participation. The report card will be the basis for determining eligibility. 

  • Scholastic: Students must attain and maintain a 2.0 GPA or better with no more than one ‘F’ for the previous and current quarter as determined by the last official report card; or a  cumulative 2.0 GPA computed from the four previous successive quarters with no more than one ‘F’ per quarter. The printed report card will be the basis for determining eligibility. Incomplete grades must be resolved prior to eligibility consideration. 

  • All athletes/student representatives must sign the WSD Code of Conduct. Any conduct that results in dishonor to the athlete, the team, or the school will not be tolerated. Athletes representing the school are expected to maintain high standards of behavior. A serious violation of school rules or behavior that brings discredit to the organization or the school (i.e. inappropriate behavior to include but not limited to theft, truancy, vandalism, disrespect, violations of law, etc.) will result in the student being placed on probation, or being dropped from the team/ organization.

  • It is the responsibility of the coach to determine and carry out consequences of violations. If a question arises, the situation may be referred to an eligibility committee. This committee consists of the Assistant Principal and five teachers.

  • A student who is on suspension from school may not practice, travel with or play during the time of suspension.

Student Information

Portal—parent/student Information

The Portal (MyWeber) is an online program which will provide updated student information to parents. Parents who have activated a Portal account may have online access to their student’s progress grades, attendance reports, and lunch account balances. An email may be generated every Friday to parents of any student currently earning a ‘D, F or I’ grade, if parents sign up through the portal to receive the emails. Parents may also elect to receive personal emails if their student is absent or tardy or has a low lunch balance. Take out - Parents also have the option to receive mid-term reports and final report cards by email. Parents may call the school Registrar at  (801) 452-4647, with questions regarding activation of this account.  

504 Accommodations

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act protects students from discrimination based on disability. A student, who has a handicapping condition (i.e. depression, anxiety, eating disorder, cancer, etc.) that substantially limits one or more of the student’s major life activities, may request a 504 Plan. Individual plans for eligible students will be developed by a team consisting of school personnel, parents and student. Plans are designed to provide possible accommodations for students to help them toward school success. Plans must be reviewed each year. Call the school (801-452-4640) 

Unpaid Fees/fines

Unpaid student fees, fines or charges may be sent to a collection agency at the end of the school year. If you need to make special arrangements for payment, contact a school administrator.


Guidance services are available for students. These services include assistance with educational planning, interpretation of test scores, occupational/career information, study helps, assistance with home, school, and/or social concerns, etc. Students wishing to visit a counselor should contact the Secretary in the Counseling Office to arrange for an appointment.

Schedule Changes

The Master Schedule is built around the classes that students request in the spring. Class change requests may be difficult or even impossible to accommodate. Please select your classes carefully. Class changes may be requested during designated times each semester. Approval will be based on space available and teacher and parent approval. A $10 fee will be charged for class changes.

Media Center

The Media Center will be open from 7:15 a.m. to 3:15 p.m.  (Occasionally pre-arranged activities may alter the normal schedule.)  Books may be checked out and renewed.

Fines will be assessed for overdue, damaged or lost books.

After-school Math Tutoring

Math tutoring is available after school Monday through Thursday from 2:40 – 3:30 p.m. 

Schedules are available in the office.

Lost and Found

Lost and found items should be turned in to the Main Office. Unclaimed items will be given to a charity organization or turned over to the Weber County Sheriff’s Department at the end of each quarter. 

Eagle Hour/ Edvisory

An Edvisory period will be built into every student’s schedule two times each week. The purpose of this time is to allow students an opportunity to consult with specific teachers as needed, and to be involved in meaningful academic preparation and make-up under teacher supervision. Supervised activities will also be scheduled during Edvisory time for students who may not need extra support. 

Visitors at School

Parents are welcome to visit school at any time. Parents who desire to speak to a teacher should make an appointment. Parents who desire to accompany their student during school hours, should contact the office prior to the visit.  All visitors must check-in at the Attendance Office. Students are not allowed to bring other visitors to school. Unauthorized visitors may be charged with trespass.


All accidents occurring on school grounds are to be reported to a teacher and/or the office immediately. Arrangements for immediate care and parent contact will be made. Injured students may not leave school without proper authorization.

Building/facilities Use Policies

Lunch Program

Lunch and breakfast may be purchased daily, or students may pay for meals by the week, month or quarter. Students may deposit lunch money in their account with the lunchroom cashier or at the main office. Credit card payments will be accepted in person or online. Students are not permitted to charge food costs. It is the parent’s responsibility to monitor lunch account balances throughout the year. Unpaid lunch balances will be sent for collection       

Cafeteria Policy:

  • Leave books and backpacks in locker or in other designated areas (under the table) in the lunchroom. 

  • Form a single line at the designated service counter. Saving places or cutting in line is not allowed.

  • School ID must be presented when purchasing school lunch. Students who do not have their student ID badge may be asked to go to the end of the lunch line.

  • All lunch items (from home or school) must be eaten in the cafeteria. 

  • Respectful behavior and good manners are always required.  Do not sit on lunchroom tables. 

  • As you leave the cafeteria, clean up your area and deposit your tray and trash in the areas provided. Failure to bus your trays and dishes may result in loss of lunch room privileges or you may be required to help clean the lunchroom.

  • Sharing lunches and eating off a common plate or utensils is not permitted. 

  • Students will be assigned to one of two lunch periods. Many students will be in class when others go to lunch. Please proceed through the halls in an orderly manner. During lunch time, students may not enter classroom hallways or the main hallway without a library pass.  Students will be permitted to go outside during lunch but must stay in the front area of the building.

  • The office will not accept commercial food deliveries on behalf of students.


All students are required to attend assemblies for the duration of the activity (unless excused and picked up by a parent). Students will accompany their assigned teacher to the assembly and sit with them in the assigned area. Proper conduct includes being attentive, respectful, and avoiding any disturbance. Students who exhibit inappropriate conduct, may lose the privilege of attending future assemblies and may be further disciplined depending on the nature of the inappropriate conduct.

Classroom Equipment/lockers

  • Students pay a fee for instructional supplies and the use of school equipment and materials. Students are urged to use these items with care. Fines will be assessed for damaged and lost items.

  • Food items may not be stored in lockers overnight.

  • Students who wish to change lockers must have the approval of the administration. 

  • Do not give your locker combinations to other students. Do not leave valuable items in school lockers. 

  • PE lockers should be secured with a lock (provided by the school or the student can bring their own) at all times. DO NOT leave any locker unsecured and do not leave valuable items in lockers.

  • The school will not be responsible for items lost or stolen from lockers.

  • Fines will be assessed for damaged lockers.

  • A fee of $5.00 will be charged for a locker combination change.

Student Backpacks

Students may utilize backpacks at school as long as they are small enough to fit in student lockers.  Lockers are approximately 11” wide and 16” deep.  Backpacks taken into classrooms and other parts of the school must be placed under student desks/ tables or chairs to avoid a safety hazard.  Backpacks that do not meet the size criteria will not be allowed at school.  The school will not be responsible for the loss of, or damage to student backpacks or contents.

Office Telephone Use

Office telephones are available for student use to call parents. Students must have a hall pass from a teacher in order to use the phone during class time. Parents who need to contact students during the school day may call the Attendance Office (452-4648) and messages will be delivered to students.

Candy and Drink Machines

Vending Machines are available to students before school and during lunch. Contents of these machines should not take the place of a nutritional breakfast or lunch. Students use the candy and drink machines at their own risk. Drinks and other items must be consumed in the area of the vending machines or the Cafeteria area and are not allowed in the halls or lockers. If liter/spillage from these items becomes a problem, the machines will be turned off.

School Behavior Policies

Standard of Conduct

Wahlquist Junior High enforces a school-wide standard of conduct that reinforces strong character, community values and self-discipline. Abusive or inappropriate conduct (verbal or physical,) directed toward another student or toward a staff member (such as harassment, bullying, cyber bullying, inappropriate social media use, inappropriate displays of affection, threats, profanity, intimidating gestures, confrontational actions, or physical contact such as pushing, assaulting or fighting) will not be tolerated, and may result in administrative discipline/intervention.  Continued problems may result in removal from Wahlquist Jr. High School. Staff members (administrators, teachers, and other workers) are expected to help students behave properly, and students are subject to the authority of all staff members while at school activities.  Conduct (including social media conduct) that occurs off school grounds may be cause for suspension/removal from Wahlquist Junior High School, should such conduct cause a significant disruption at school. Students will be warned and/ or disciplined for any type of disruptive behavior or violation of this standard. Students are expected to be accountable for personal behavior and abide by the following guidelines:

  • No fighting (includes “play” fighting)—students are expected to keep their hands, feet, etc., to themselves. Encouraging, watching or not reporting a physical altercation involving others is considered a violation of the “no fighting” policy. Students involved in physical altercations may be suspended.

  • No harassment or bullying behavior will be tolerated. These behaviors must be reported to a staff member immediately.

  • Use appropriate language—profanity and/or obscene language will be strictly prohibited.

  • Avoid any behavior that compromises the safety or comfort of others.

  • Be respectful of others.  Public displays of affection are inappropriate at school.

  • Respect school property and the property of others. Vandalism/theft may be referred to legal authorities.

  • Abide by a strong work ethic. Attend school regularly and be on time. Come prepared with necessary materials and completed assignments each day.

  • Comply with all rules and policies of the school and District, and obey the law.


We value academic integrity and do not permit any form of dishonesty, plagiarism or deception that unfairly, improperly or illegally enhances the grade of an individual, a group assignment or a final grade. Many people think of plagiarism as copying another’s work or borrowing someone else’s original ideas.

Terms like “copying”, “sharing” or “borrowing” can disguise the seriousness of the offense. You also need to be careful to distinguish between collaborative assignments assigned by a teacher, such as lab groups. 

All of the following are considered plagiarism:

  • Turning in someone else’s work as your own.

  • Copying words or ideas from someone else without giving credit. 

  • Failing to put a quotation in quotation marks.

  • Giving incorrect information about the source of a quotation.

  • Changing words, but copying the sentence structure of a source without giving credit.

  • Copying so many words or ideas from a source that it makes up the majority of your work whether you give credit or not.

  • To cut and paste work that is not your own and handing it in is plagiarism.

According to U.S. law, the expression of original ideas is considered intellectual property, and is protected by copyright laws, just like original inventions.

Students whom violate the cheating/plagiarism policy will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action.   Any incident of cheating may result in a “U” citizenship grade in the class for the quarter and a grade of zero (0) on the assignment, test or activity where the cheating was involved.


Wahlquist dances are restricted to Wahlquist students only.  Students may be required to show identification.  The standard of conduct (above) applies at all dances.  Inappropriate conduct at dances may result in administrative discipline/intervention, including possible loss of privileges to attend further dances and other extra-curricular activities as well as possible suspension or removal from Wahlquist if such conduct warrants these actions.

Dress Code

Purpose & Philosophy

Weber District is committed to providing a safe, orderly, and positive environment conducive to teaching and learning. The Board recognizes that dress and grooming affect students' behavior and that there are sanitation and safety factors directly related to proper dress and grooming. The Board seeks to emphasize the importance of school, parent, and student collaboration in encouraging students to come to school dressed appropriately for school work. The District believes that the student and their parent/guardian hold the primary responsibility in determining the students' personal apparel (including clothing, jewelry, bags, accessories, etc.) Schools are responsible for ensuring that student attire, jewelry, and personal items do not interfere with the health or safety of any student and do not contribute to a hostile, disruptive, or intimidating environment for any student or staff. 


 It is the policy of Weber School District to ensure students’ dress and grooming at school comply with the standards outlined below.  Violations of the policy will result in corrective action that will not exclude students from school and do not shame a student.  While parents are primarily responsible for determining what is appropriate apparel for school, schools have the authority to address and correct violations of this policy where the violation contributes to a health or safety risk, or to a hostile, disruptive, or intimidating environment for other students or staff.


“Apparel” means a combination of all clothing, shoes, jewelry, bags, and accessories

“Costumes” means any apparel worn to look like someone or something else other than the student

“Substantial Disruption” means an interruption to the learning environment that is significant and/or impacts a significant number of students.

 Dress and Grooming Guiding Principles

 In relation to student dress, school administrators will be guided by the following core values: 

Students should be able to dress and style their hair for school in a manner that expresses their individuality without fear of unnecessary discipline or body shaming.

Students have the right to be treated equitably.  

Dress code enforcement will not create disparities, reinforce or increase the marginalization of any group, nor will it be more strictly enforced against students because of racial identity, ethnicity, gender identity, gender expression, gender nonconformity, sexual orientation, cultural or religious identity, household income, body size/type or body maturity.

Students and staff are responsible for managing what may cause them to be distracted or what they find distracting. 

Students should not face unnecessary barriers to school attendance.

District Student Dress and Grooming Minimum Standards

Students must wear: 

Tops that have fabric in front (covering the majority of the chest and abdomen), on both sides (under the arms), and in the back (covering the upper and lower back) and straps over both shoulders. 

Bottoms that cover the buttocks when standing, sitting, and bending over; and

Footwear that protects the student from injury.

The following is prohibited at school and school activities: 

clothing/headwear worn for a bonafide religious or medical purpose or when directed by health organizations are not subject to this prohibition.

Sunglasses on the face or head when worn pursuant to a physician’s prescription are not subject to this prohibition. 

Clothing that intentionally shows private parts (nipples, genitals, buttocks) or undergarments. Clothing must cover private parts in opaque (not able to be seen through) material 

Clothing or attire, jewelry, or personal items that display obscene, vulgar, or lewd words, messages, or pictures or are pornographic 

Clothing or attire, jewelry, or personal items including attachments, or accessories that could be considered weapons, contain threats or promote violent conduct such as unlawful use of weapons (ie, chains, dog collars with spikes, spurs)

Clothing or attire, jewelry, or personal items that advertises or promotes drugs, alcohol, tobacco, or drug paraphernalia

Clothing that covers the student’s face to the extent that the student is not identifiable 

Clothing, jewelry, or personal items that demonstrate hate group association/affiliation and/or use hate speech targeting groups based on race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, religious affiliation, or other protected groups

Any other grooming or dress that causes actual disruption or which creates a significant safety risk or is disrespectful of others’ religious or cultural beliefs 

Clothing, jewelry, or personal items that include gang symbols, monikers, insignias, or other gang identifiers 

Any apparel or style of clothing that school officials, in light of the totality of the circumstances, and after consultation with law enforcement authorities, view denoting gang membership or affiliation  

Costumes or costume accessories, other than designated holidays as allowed by school administration

Athletic Uniform Dress Code

Weber School District may not prohibit a student from wearing religious clothing with the athletic uniform; or 

wearing clothing under, or with, but not substantially covering, the athletic uniform to, consistent with the student's religious or moral beliefs, cover or conceal parts of the student's body that are not covered or concealed by the athletic uniform. 


 Students not in compliance with dress standard policy shall be guaranteed due process and shall be dealt with in a manner consistent with the procedure outlined in the school and district student discipline and safe school policies. 

School administrators are required to ensure that all staff are aware of and understand the guidelines of this policy.

Staff will use reasonable efforts to avoid addressing students for dress code violations in front of other students.

Staff shall not prohibit or remove students from class for wearing attire that may be in violation of this policy;  rather staff will report their concerns to the administration.

Students shall not be suspended from school unless the attire creates a substantial disruption to the educational environment, poses a hazard to the health or safety of others, or factors into a student behavior rule violation such as malicious harassment or prohibition on harassment, intimidation, bullying, and insubordination. 

Violations of this policy may result in:

instruction to the student to leave the classroom briefly to change clothes,

parent/guardian contact or conference 

Cell Phones and Other Electronic Devices

Wahlquist Jr. High School is equipped with the capability to allow students to access internet services on personally owned electronic devices—i.e. lap-top computers, E-readers, iPads, iPods, cell phones, etc. Students may utilize these electronic devices in the classroom as long as they are used for “educational purposes” as specified by the teacher, under the direction of the teacher, and with the approval of the classroom teacher, otherwise, electronic devices should be turned off and out of sight.. These electronic devices may also be used by students before and after school and during lunch and pass time as long as usage is in compliance with school/ district policy and the law and does not create a distraction in the school environment. Students are responsible to comply with the Acceptable Use Policy guidelines when utilizing personal electronic devices at the school. Disciplinary measures will be enforced when students use these devices inappropriately in the school environment.

Office telephones are available throughout the school day for students who need to call parents. Parents may also contact students through the office. Students must obtain a hall pass to use the office telephone.

Filming/taking photos on school campus during school hours is not allowed unless they are taken for educational purposes under the direction of a teacher. 


  • First violation: Confiscation of electronic device and parent notification. Device will be returned to student at the end of school day. 

  • Second violation: Parents will need to personally retrieve the device at the school.

  • Third and further violations: Disciplinary action, including, but not limited to: suspension, district office referral, etc.  Parent will need to pick up the device at the school.

  • Under certain circumstances, the administration will have the right to view contents of electronic devices.

  • School district policies and Utah state and federal laws regarding illegal content of electronic devices will be strictly enforced.

Items Prohibited at School

The following items and others deemed inappropriate or disruptive to the school environment will not be allowed on campus without staff approval. Such items will be confiscated and parents may be asked to reclaim such items:

  • Boom boxes, radios, CD players, wireless speakers or other musical or electronic game devices.

  • Toys (including cards and board games), laser pointers, water guns, whistles, balloons, rubber bands, confetti and other items that are not necessary in the pursuit of an education.

  • Markers and paint balls.

  • Food items that may create problems on campus.

  • Items such as heavy chains, lighters, matches, laser light pens/pointers, sharp objects, spiked bands/jewelry and other objects which may be identified as dangerous or a health or safety hazard.

Confiscated Items

Items that are confiscated from students will be kept in the office until properly claimed.

Unclaimed items will be disposed of in the following manner:

  • Unclaimed electronic items, wheeled vehicles or other items of significant value will be turned over to the Weber County Sheriff’s Office at the end of each quarter.

  • Other unclaimed miscellaneous items (clothing, etc.) will be donated to a goodwill organization at the end of every quarter throughout the school year.

Identification Badge

Students are required to carry I.D. badges while on campus. ID badges are used for student check-in and check-out, to check out library books, purchase school lunch, pay fines and fees, and to identify students in the halls, etc. 

Pictures for ID badges will be taken. Replacement cost of lost ID badge is $5.00. Temporary and visitor ID’s are available in the Attendance Office.

After School Activities

  • Students who plan to participate in after-school activities should make prior arrangements to be picked up after the activity.

  • The purpose of staying after for games or other extra-curricular activities is to be a part of the activity. Students will not be allowed to be in unsupervised areas during activities.

  • Wahlquist Junior High students are expected to exhibit respectful behavior at school sponsored activities. Behavior which exemplifies good sportsmanship is always required.

  • Food/drink may be prohibited in the gymnasium.

  • The building may be locked during activities. The building will be opened for a short period of time after the activity to allow students access to their locker.

  • Attending games or activities is a privilege. Poor conduct or poor sportsmanship could cause the loss of this privilege and could result in suspension and/or removal from Wahlquist should behavior warrant such action.

Skateboards and Rollerblades

Skateboarding and rollerblading (includes heelies, etc.) are prohibited on school property at all times.

Bicycles & Other Wheeled Vehicles

Bike riding (including scooters, hover boards, and other wheeled vehicles) is prohibited on campus at all times.  Bicycle racks are provided at the school for students to park these items during the school day. Locks are recommended. The school will not be responsible for loss or damage to items brought to school or left in the rack.

Initiations or Hazing

By direction of the Weber County School board, No initiations or hazing of any kind will be permitted at Wahlquist Junior High. Those involved are subject to suspension and referral to the District Office.

Substitute Teachers

It will probably be necessary at some time during the year for your teacher to have a substitute teacher. It is essential that you cooperate completely with substitute teachers. They assume the same responsibilities and authority as a full-time teacher. Failure to comply with a reasonable request from a substitute teacher may result in a referral to the office.


The Principal or designee may search students, student lockers, student’s personal property and student vehicles parked on school property based on reasonable suspicion of illegal or dangerous activity.

Parent & Student Grievance Procedure

If a student and parent feel that there has been a violation, misinterpretation, or inequitable application of a provision or policy as indicated in the policy manual of the Weber County School District, or of the rules established under federal regulations concerning non–discrimination on the basis of race or sex, that student and parent may begin the following procedure to obtain redress:

STEP 1: The student and parent should discuss the grievance with the person at the school who may have been involved in the grievance and with the principal.

STEP 2: If the student and parent are not satisfied with the disposition of the grievance, the student and parent may request a conference with the district due process officer to explore further remedies of the grievance.

STEP 3: If the student and parent are not satisfied with the decision made in Step 2, a hearing before the Superintendent and/or the Board of Education may be requested. 

Nothing herein shall be construed to limit the rights of a student and parent to appeal to the appropriate court of law.

Weber District Safe School Policy

Substance and Tobacco/Nicotine Use: Students will not possess, use or be under the influence of any illegal substances of any kind on campus or at any school activity. Students will not have any drug related paraphernalia on school grounds or at school sponsored activities. Likewise, the sale, control or distribution of a drug, controlled substance, imitations of controlled substances, or the misuse of any substance is illegal and is a violation of policy. A referral may be made to law enforcement for an investigation of any student who violates this policy.  Suspension and/or removal from Wahlquist may result for violations of this policy.

It is against the law to vape, smoke, use smokeless tobacco (chew) or have tobacco/nicotine products in your possession on campus or at any school activity. Violations may result in suspension.  Continued violations may result in removal from Wahlquist.  

Safe School Provisions: All students are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that will create a positive learning environment and not be offensive to any other student, teacher, or visitor to our school. A good citizen exercises self-discipline and is not offensive to others while attending school, school activities, or coming to and going home from school. We must work together in a sensitive, caring, and effective manner to help everyone in our school community to be accountable for their decisions and actions. This is how we all grow to be better people and citizens.  We want to give clear expectations regarding student conduct and we expect responsible student effort. The following conduct is forbidden at school, on school property, including school vehicles and busses, and at any school sponsored activity. A serious violation that threatens or harms the school, school property, a person connected with school, or property associated with a person connected with the school is forbidden regardless of where it occurs. The decision to remove or discipline violating students is the decision made by the school administrators based on individual circumstances. The following will be considered in making a decision for suspension and/or referral to the District Office or law enforcement agency, shall include, but not limited to:

  • A student WILL be removed from school for the following:

A student shall be suspended from school for the following prohibited conduct, which are considered safe school violations: 

  1. The sale or distribution of a controlled substance (or an imitation controlled substance) or drug paraphernalia, or participating in any part of the distribution chain 

  2. The use of force (or threatened use of force) which, if committed by an adult, would be a felony or class A misdemeanor

A student shall be expelled from school for the following prohibited conduct, which are considered safe school violations, however the expulsion may be modified to a suspension (short or long term), or may result in removal to an alternative school setting following a hearing described in Section V.B. of this Policy: 

  1. Possession, control, or use (actual or threatened) of a real weapon, explosive, or noxious or flammable material 

  2. Actual or threatened use of a look-alike weapon with intent to intimidate another person or to disrupt normal school activities 

  3. A school threat

Recommendations for long-term suspensions shall be made for the following prohibited conduct: 

  1. Distribution of drugs or intent to distribute 

  2. 3rd offense of possession of drugs, alcohol, tobacco or e-cigarettes

  3. Fighting, depending on aggravating factors, such as, but not limited to resulting injury, premeditation, repeat offender 

  4. School threats 

  5. Discriminatory Harassment, as defined in Policy 4120 (*Administrators shall consult with the District Equity, Justice, and Inclusion Director when a student engages in Discriminatory Harassment even if the violation results in school-based disciplinary action.) 

  6. Sexual Harassment as defined in Policy 4120 and Policy XXXX 

  7. Possession or threatened use of weapons or look-alike weapon 

  8. Possessing, soliciting under duress, or distribution of nude or semi-nude images of students or minors 

  9. Extreme vandalism (property damage over approximately $500.00) 10. Habitual disruptive behavior

A student may be suspended from school for the following prohibited conduct: 

  1. Frequent or flagrant willful disobedience, defiance of proper authority, including refusal to attend      school (truancy) or disruptive behavior, including the use of foul, profane, vulgar, or abusive language 

  2. Willful destruction of school property 

  3. Behavior or threatened behavior which poses an immediate and significant threat to the welfare, safety, or morals of other students or school personnel or the school’s operation, including but not limited to fighting, inappropriate exposure of body parts; and taking or sharing obscene, pornographic, lewd, illegal or otherwise inappropriate images.

  4. Possession, control, or use of alcohol and/or drugs 

  5. Behavior which threatens harm or actually does harm to the school or property, a person associated with the school, or property associated with the person associated with the school, including but not limited to fighting and theft of property 

  6. Violations of any of the following policies

  • Dress Code Policy 5220

    • Bullying Policy 5201

    • Discrimination Policy 4210

    • Sexual Misconduct Policy 4210

    • Sexual Harassment Policy

    • Unauthorized Use of Electronic Devices Policy

    • Tobacco/Alcohol Use, Policy 5205

    • Gang Policy 5230