Best Buddies Club
Community Engagement
Best Buddies’ Friendship Programs offer opportunities for students with and without IDD to come together and build meaningful connections while creating a more inclusive school community.
WJH Best Buddies Chapter
Within a Best Buddies chapter, students are invited to participate in monthly group activities and can choose to be matched in one-to-one friendships between students with and without disabilities.
Buddy Pairs
Buddy pairs spend time together and communicate – over phone/text, social media, orin school – at least once a week and are encouraged to spend time together twice per month – during school, at a chapterevent, or in the community. Though community-based activities are not required, we encourage buddy pairs to connectoutside of school in order to form deeper, more meaningful connections.
Leadership Opportunities
The Best Buddies chapter also offers a variety ofinclusive leadership opportunities with officer roles focused on planning meaningful events, building social connections, and spreading the mission of Best Buddies across its school and community.
Meeting Schedule
Here at Wahlquist we will hold our Best Buddies chapter activities during Eagle Hour. Most months the activity will be held on the 4th Thursday of the month.